7th Annual Bikers, Blues, BBQ, n Bikinis
Sponsor sign-up
April 19th 20th & 21st
Welcome to Saddlebags Crew 7th annual Bikers, Blues, BBQ, n Bikinis Festival. We are dedicating this year’s event to Autism Research.
ALL Proceeds go to the charity “OAR” Organization for Autism Research.
We are seeking sponsors to donate deco, clothing, props, and/or services that can be auctioned off in our Auction 4 Autism during our 3 day charity event. We are also looking for Donations to be used for Prize drops and to be used in Raffle packages. PLZ (No Coupons allowed for the raffle or auction Prize Items)
If interested please click on the sponsor signup button below and fill out info on what you would like to donate as well as how many of each item.
Thank You in advance for your participation
Any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact PzDjFreeDKK_SCMC
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